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The UNSUBSCRIBE packet is used to tell the server that you are no longer interested in updates of a specific bucket


Unsubscribe request bytemap

Figure A: UNSUBSCRIBE request byte-map (header and body)

The UNSUBSCRIBE request (see Figure A) includes a header. This header contains one field: the bucket id which indicates the bucket unsubscribe from.

The SUBSCRIBE packet has no body and does not accept any extra flags.


Unsubscribe response bytemap

Figure B: UNSUBSCRIBE response byte-map

The UNSUBSCRIBE request does not return any data.

You may encounter the following error codes:

Process and flow

Unsubscribe process

Figure C: UNSUBSCRIBE process flow

The UNSUBSCRIBE process (see Figure C) goes as follows:

  1. The client sends a UNSUBSCRIBE packet to the server
  2. The server checks if the user is subscribed. If so, it removes the subscription.
  3. The server sends an empty response.

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