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The APPEND packet is used to PUT data to a server without specifying the slot index. It will append the data to the first following empty slot in the bucket.


Append request bytemap

Figure A: APPEND request byte-map (header and body)

The APPEND request (see Figure A) includes a header. This header contains one field: the bucket id and is used to indicate which bucket is used.

The APPEND packet does not accept any extra flags.

The body contains an array with the following fields:


Append response bytemap

Figure B: APPEND response byte-map

The APPEND response is empty, and the result is indicated by a status code.

You might encounter the following error codes:

Process and flow

Append process

Figure C: APPEND process flow

The APPEND process (see Figure C) goes as follows:

  1. User sends APPEND request to server
  2. If the bucket has no append permissions, send error code 3
  3. If there are no empty slots left, send error code 61
  4. If not, put the data on the next free slot
  5. Return empty response

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